Sensorimotor Experiences
Mental Representations
What We Do
Perception and representation: how we see and interpret, how do we make sense and represent the external world.
Research activities within this topic exploit advanced tools in cognitive neuroscience to characterize the neural correlates of perception and content-specific mental representations, semantic processing and knowledge organization, action representation
Conceptual representations of perceptual knowledge
From action representation to action execution (motor control, learning and rehabilitation)
Naturalistic stimulation to study knowledge organization
Perception and aesthetic appeal
Advanced neuroimaging tools to decode/encode neural representations
Who We Are
What We Publish
Neural networks associated with eye movements in congenital blindness (2024)
Koba C, Crimi A, Collignon O, Ricciardi E, Hasson U.
Eur J Neurosci. 2024 Aug;60(4):4624-4638. doi: 10.1111/ejn.16459
Sensitivity and specificity of the action observation network to kinematics, target object, and gesture meaning
Simonelli, Handjaras, Benuzzi, Bernardi, Leo, Duzzi, Cecchetti, Nichelli, Porro, Pietrini, Ricciardi, Lui.
Hum Brain Mapp. 2024 Aug 1;45(11):e26762. doi: 10.1002/hbm.26762.
Dissecting abstract, modality-specific and experience-dependent coding of affect in the human brain
Lettieri, Handjaras, Cappello, Setti, Bottari, Bruno, Diano, Leo, Tinti, Garbarini, Pietrini, Ricciardi, CecchettiScience Advances, 2024. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adk6840A modality-independent proto-organization of human multisensory areas
Setti F, Handjaras G, Bottari D, Leo A, Diano M, Bruno V, Tinti C, Cecchetti L, Garbarini F, Pietrini P, Ricciardi E. Nat Hum Behav 2023 doi: 10.1038/s41562-022-01507-3Overlapping and specific neural correlates for empathizing, affective mentalizing, and cognitive mentalizing: A coordinate- based meta-analytic study
Arioli M, Cattaneo Z, Ricciardi E, Canessa N. Hum Brain Mapp. 2021 doi: 10.1002/hbm.25570U-Limb: A multi-modal, multi-center database on arm motion control in healthy and post-stroke conditions
Averta G, Barontini F, Catrambone V, Haddadin S, Handjaras G, Held JPO, Hu T, Jakubowitz E, Kanzler CM, Kühn J, Lambercy O, Leo A, Obermeier A, Ricciardi E, Schwarz A, Valenza G, Bicchi A, Bianchi M. Gigascience. 2021 Jun 18;10(6):giab043. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giab043.Shape coding in occipito-temporal cortex relies on object silhouette, curvature, and medial axis
Papale P, Leo A, Handjaras G, Cecchetti L, Pietrini P, Ricciardi E. J Neurophysiol. 2020 Dec 1;124(6):1560-1570. doi: 10.1152/jn.00212.2020. Epub 2020 Oct 14.The sensory-deprived brain as a unique tool to understand brain development and function
Ricciardi E, Bottari D, Ptito M, Roeder B, Pietrini P. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 108:78-82. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.10.017. Epub 2019 Oct 28, Jan 2020.See the whole Special Issue 'Rethinking the sensory-deprived brain: hints from the Blind Brain Workshop 2018' on Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Common spatiotemporal processing of visual features shapes object representation.
Papale P, Betta M, Handjaras G, Malfatti G, Rampinini AC, Cecchetti L, Pietrini P, Ricciardi E, Turella L, Leo A. Scientific Reports, 9(1),7601, 2019.How concepts are encoded in the human brain: A modality independent, category-based cortical organization of semantic knowledge
Handjaras G, Ricciardi E (co-first author), Leo A, Lenci A, Cecchetti L, Cosottini M, Marotta G, Pietrini P. Neuroimage, 135:232-242, 2016See also Handjaras G, Leo A, Cecchetti L, Papale P, Lenci A, Marotta G, Pietrini P, Ricciardi E. Modality-independent encoding of individual concepts in the left parietal cortex. Neuropsychologia. 105:39-49, 2017 - doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.05.001
A synergy-based hand control is encoded in human motor cortical areas
Leo A, Handjaras G, Bianchi M, Marino H, Gabiccini M, Guidi A, Scilingo EP, Pietrini P, Bicchi A, Santello M, Ricciardi E. Elife, 2016 Feb 16;5 pii: e13420. doi: 10.7554/eLife.13420Our collaborations
Corrado Sinigaglia - University of Milan, Italy
Tomaso Vecchi - University of Pavia, Italy
Zaira Cattaneo - University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
Olivier Collignon - Institute of Psychology, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Marco Santello - Arizona State University, AZ-USA
Antonio Bicchi, University of Pisa, Italy
Maurice Ptito, Université de Montrèal, Canada
Francesca Garbarini - University of Turin, Italy
Simone Rossi and Domenico Prattichizzo - University of Siena, Italy
Viviana Betti - University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy
Luca Turella - University of Trento, Italy
Silvestro Micera and Alberto Mazzoni - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
Michele Emdin - Fondazione Toscana 'G. Monasterio'/SSSA-Pisa, Italy
Giovanna Marotta and Alessandro Lenci - University of Pisa, Italy
What We Develop
fMRI encoding/decoding algorithms
Modelling approaches
Our Recent Talks and Presentations
Emiliano Ricciardi - Invited Lecture: Rethinking the sensory deprived brain: how blindness improved our vision on brain function” – November 23, 2023 – ETH, Zurich, Switzerland; December 14, 2023 – IRCSS Medea, Bosisio Parini; May 13, 2024 - Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam; May 21, 2024 -University of Parma
Emiliano Ricciardi - Oral presentation ‘fMRI and naturalistic stimulation in sensory-deprivation to study modality-(in)dependent brain organization’ - Workshop “Modeling the interacting brain in naturalistic settings” – Lucca, Feb 3-4, 2024
Emiliano Ricciardi - Oral presentation: “A modality independent proto-organization of human multisensory areas”, XIII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Risonanza Magnetica in Medicina, November 24, 2022 – Pisa, Italy
Francesca Setti - Oral presentation: 'A modality independent proto-organization of human multisensory areas', Symposium 'New insights on multisensory brain organization from MVPA to high field fMRI', Chair(s): Gaglianese A, Murray MM. 20th International Multisensory Research Forum, Ulm University, July 04-07, 2022
Emiliano Ricciardi - Online invited Lecture: ““Rethinking the sensory deprived brain”, Neurowebinars, April 1, 2022
Emiliano Ricciardi - Invited Lecture: “Una visione neuroscientifica della Disprassia: ipotesi e interpretazioni da studi di neuroscienze” – Convegno Nazionale Scientifico Associazione Italiana Disprassie dell’Età Evolutiva, Rome (Italy), October 11, 2021
Emiliano Ricciardi - Invited Lecture entitled “Multivariate approaches in neuroimaging: from supramodal to cognitive and motor representations” - Symposium on “New technologies for rehabilitatition” organized by ETH Zurich, Volterra (Italy), September 9, 2021
Emiliano Ricciardi - Invited Lecture entitled ''One, No One and One Hundred Thousand: from brain activation to information content' at the 'Symposium by the International Organization of Pyschophysiology, 2020' - International Society of Neuroregulation and Research 28th Annual Conference, July 31, 2020
Francesca Setti, Adrian Onicas and Francesca Simonelli - Poster presentation at Virtual Annual Meeting of the Human Brain Mapping Organization 2020 - June 2020